W e have taken it upon ourselves to be keepers of The Rules. The Rules are an ever-evolving list of very serious rules for very serious readers. As you study…

You’ve probably heard it before: “Always carry a book with you.” These elusive "experts" are always saying things, aren’t they? But in this case, they might be onto something. Whether…

Science fiction—often lovingly shortened to sci-fi—is that genre where the impossible becomes possible, and the “what ifs” of the universe are brought to life. Flying cars? Check. Time travel? Check.…

Remember when reading a book was simple? You’d grab a physical book, curl up on the couch, and immerse yourself in a story. But now, in this modern, hyper-connected world,…

If there is anything worse than getting interrupted at the climax of a good book, I don't know what it would be. Why is it that my dog needs to…

Splinter Press Writer's Retreat, Aug 22-25, 2024, is now open for registration! Go here for information

Splinter's Edge releases March 15, and we are celebrating with a GIVEAWAY! click HERE TO enter! THE UNIVERSE IS TRYING TO KILL HIM. Lahn just wants to ignore…

Without any warning, the Whitney Awards up and punched two Splinter Press books in the face. "You two are finalists! Take that!" Mere Mortal by A J Stevens and The…

We indeed live in exciting times, when technology is rushing forward at a break-necked pace, and books you want to read get released! The Dissection and Reassembly of Cohen Hoard…

Exciting news, friends and family! Mere Mortal is out, available for purchase in paperback on Amazon, and everywhere you get eBooks. Here is a quick little taste: BEING HUNTED BY…

W atching an AI paint a picture or write a poem can be a little mindblowing. It has the full spectrum of human creation available on the internet to pull…

S peculative fiction is a beautiful, lovely, blanket term that encompasses everything from Science Fiction to fantasy to alternate history to dystopian to horror (and a whole lot more). It…