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Mere Mortal


Mila will do whatever it takes to save her sister, even walk straight into the one place she should never go: the Immortal City.

The problem? She only has one life, and the immortals will do anything to take it from her.


Also available in E-book and Audiobook from all major distributors.

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The immortals have taken Mila’s sister.
Going after her risks the safety of the only life she has ever known, not to mention the boy who hardly looks at her.
But if Mila can’t save her sister and the secrets she carries they will take her tribe, her family, and everything it means to be human.

Buy now to see what readers are calling “beautifully written”, and “a poignant discussion around . . . the value of life and death”.


Quotes from Mere Mortal

“Helidrone.” Avi tosses his pack into a snowy crevice between hills and does the same with mine. He tugs up the white hood of my uniform then pulls me into the crevice with him, scooping the drifted snow around us to bury us. He yanks up his own hood and presses up against me. His breath tickles my ear. I hope it isn’t an audio-seeking drone, because my pounding heart will give us away for sure.

“Maybe next time I run into an Immortal, I’ll just overwhelm him with the strength of my emotions. Teenage angst to the rescue!”

Her hollow eyes send shivers down my spine, but something about her face feathers a memory I can’t place. There are blue lights on the back of her neck. I guess they don’t just torment Nomads here.



4 reviews for Mere Mortal

  1. M A Yeats

    My e-book arrived at midnight on Sunday and I’ve been reading every spare minute. Absolutely not my genre, but I can’t put it down. Characters are engaging, the writing seamless, and the dystopian future world, though complex, is still comprehensible to my 20th century brain.
    I highly recommend this for young adult readers and all who enjoy a well-written, smoothly-paced story, with accessible, relatable characters in an intriguing and vivid setting.

  2. C and A

    I absolutely loved this book. I couldn’t put it down as I followed a desperate girl trying to save her sister in a futuristic Colorado. She learns more about herself, the meaning of death, and purpose of life, and what family and friends mean. I just gobbled it up. And the inclusion of powerful poetry was *chef’s kiss*.

  3. Eric H.

    Exciting read full of adventure. I highly recommend!

  4. Brit Keskra

    It’s not typical for me to choose a dystopian book to read, but the moment I saw the cover, I was hooked. Something about those neon colors and sci-fi themed designs caught my eye and wouldn’t let go. So, I plucked up the courage and started reading.

    Oh, what emotions! I don’t know where to begin—the content of the book or the reading experience itself. I’m proud to say that this is the first book in years that I could read while traveling without feeling sick. In the past, I’ve envied anyone who could read on the move without getting nauseous. But something miraculous happened this time—I devoured the book! It was nearly impossible to put down. I was eager to follow the main character, Mila, through every twist and turn. Each fight scene and adrenaline-pumping chapter had my heart racing. I thoroughly enjoyed the book!

    Over five hundred years have passed, and humans have discovered a way to become Immortal. But this luxury is reserved for a select few who lived in the right states at the dawn of Immortality. Mila’s family wasn’t among them, so she lives with her older sister and father in constant fear, often having to move with their community. When an Immortal soldier wounds Mila’s sister, creating a life-threatening situation, Mila faces a dire choice: let her sister die or take her to a doctor near IC-7, the metropolis of the Immortals. Despite the demands of their leaders and her father, Mila decides to do whatever it takes to save her sister and flees towards the forbidden zone. An unforgettable race against time, Mortals, and Immortals begins.

    This captivating work surprises with its plot, unforgettable characters, and a utopian yet believable world that’s hard to shake from your mind. Stevens’ writing style is casual, fluent, and immensely enjoyable. The story flows smoothly and enchantingly. From the first chapter, the pace is relentless and doesn’t let up until the end. You must be ready for a thrilling ride because, despite the speed, nothing is lacking. The book features fights, deadly games, dangerous journeys, collisions, and laboratories—scenes that usually require extensive description, which can be off-putting. But in this book, I savored every word. There were no redundant descriptions, just the right amount.

    The book ends with a slight twist that, while somewhat expected, leaves you craving more. I sincerely hope this is the start of a series so we can continue to follow Mila’s adventures. It would be a shame to leave the story “half-finished” (though the book is complete, the ending demands continuation). Immortality or mortality? What are their advantages? What is the price of life and the weight of death? Grab the book, dive into the enchanting world of the Immortals, and find out!

    I highly recommend it!

    Review on Net Galley

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